Posted by Elda on Dec 18 × Filled under: Onliners,Orders,Portfolio × With No Replies

Hey guys, just wanted to post my onliners that most of you haven’t seen. Woah, I really miss intense designing! Unfortunately I still have this week full with classes and one exam. Wish me luck and see you next week with new onliners. Still not accepting new orders.

Posted by Elda on Nov 01 × Filled under: Quick Update,Site Updates × With No Replies

Hey, guys! Just wanted to let you know I’m not accepting orders anymore until further notice. I started college exactly one month ago, and it gets harder day by day. I’m currenty working on finishing my current orders until the end of next week. I’m really grateful for every single one of my customers for understanding my situation. I promise I will be soon accepting new orders, just this time, I will take only 2 per week! Thank you for understanding and have a great day!

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